Tag Archives: Nominative

Spanish and Russian Nominative Personal Pronouns

For anybody just starting out in Spanish or Russian, this will certainly be a beneficial post.  Personal pronouns (I, You, He, She, etc.) are very commonly used, and are essential in learning a language.  Let’s learn!


I: Yo

You (informal): Tú

He: Él

She: Ella

You (formal): Usted

We: Nosotros

You all (Used in Spain): Vosotros

You all: Ustedes

They (all male, or mix of male and female): Ellos

They (all female): Ellas


I: Я

You (informal): Ты

He: Он

She: Она

You (formal): Вы*

We: Мы

You all: Вы*

Did I miss anything?  Leave a comment!

*In Russian, the use of Вы is generally determined by context.